About Us

Why choose Safety-Net

Safety-Net Inspection Services conducts detailed, comprehensive and unbiased building inspections and prides itself on a high level of customer service.

Safety-Net is owned and operated by Terry Piani who has over 50 years experience in the building trade, 25 years as a registered builder (# 8847 & 9162).  Terry was a voluntary Board Member with the Housing Industry Association for 2 years, and has been voluntary Board Member of the Bunbury Aged Persons Housing Collective for more than 5 years.

Most people do not have the technical knowledge to judge acceptable practices in relation to The Australian Standards’ and Building Codes of Australia. Safety-Net is able to offer an unbiased, knowledgeable opinion to both new home builders or those looking to buy an established property.

Mistakes and oversights are common in new home construction even with the best of builders, while established homes can be suffer from dilapidation or contain structures that don’t meet building specifications.

Contact Terry today for peace of mind when working with one of life’s biggest assets.